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About Me

I am a registered pediatric occupational therapist, registered yoga teacher, ADHD-Certified Rehabilitation Services Provider, and certified kids yoga & mindfulness teacher with 13 years of experience. I have extensive experience and training in self-regulation, mindfulness and yoga for children and teens with diverse physical, mental and emotional abilities. 

Mindfulness and yoga are practices I’ve been using and teaching for over a decade. I am a firm believer that you must live it to teach it. Each day of my life, I practice the principles I teach. I see firsthand the benefits of this practice and it is my goal to empower children with tools to develop self-confidence & self-esteem, self-love, self-regulation and a balanced mental and physical well-being. 

It is my goal to empower children with physical and mental practices to improve their self-regulation, self-love and self-confidence.

As an occupational therapist, I am trained to view children through a holistic lens and meet them where they are, understanding the progression of developmental milestones. I have worked in settings including preschools, early intervention, pediatric nursing homes, outpatient clinics and public schools. Despite the setting I worked in, I found a consistent intervention that helped my students achieve their goals- yoga & mindfulness. 

My goal is to make yoga accessible to ALL children and I am able to modify poses and activities to match a student’s cognitive and physical abilities. I also love to use music and songs in all my classes as I believe that music is a motivating pathway to learning!

My Education includes:

  • Masters of Science in Occupational Therapy
  • Helping Anxious Kids: A Certification Training on Anxiety Treatment for Children & Adolescents specializing in adolescents
  • ADHD-Certified Rehabilitation Services Provider (ADHD-RSP)
  • Training in the The Mindful Sensations Therapeutic Approach
  • “Powerfully You” Provider
  • Certified SMHP Therapist- Tier 1

  • Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Certification
  • Chair Yoga Training Certification
  • Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Certification
  • Ayurveda Specialist Certification
  • 200 hour yoga teacher training & registration through Yoga Alliance

Additionally, I have acquired over 200 hours of professional development credit from courses pertaining to yoga for children with special needs including but not limited to: Autism, Sensory-Processing Disorder, ADHD and developmental disabilities.